Simplicity CeremonieS Funeral Celebrant

Hello, my name is David. I am a funeral celebrant based in Somerset.. I provide a simple, tailored and meaningful ceremony

Thank you for looking at my website. Please take a look around the website to see if what I offer is right for you and your family. All people are different, as are all celebrants, so this is the time to consider the type of celebrant you need and the type of service that is most suited to you and your family. As well as services at crematoriums and burials, I also offer memorial ceremonies and ceremonies after direct cremations.

Hello, my name is David.

I will be the right choice as a celebrant for you if you are looking for a simple, meaningful and respectful service that observes the reverence of the occasion. A ceremony that paints a picture of your loved-one, gives space to mourn your loss as well as space to celebrate their life.

Why choose Simplicity Ceremonies?

I am a Funeral Celebrant and a Quaker. A ceremony can be what you want it to be and will be adapted to meet your requirements. I could introduce a moment for silent reflection. The ceremony could be a mix of structure, with a eulogy and tributes or poems read, or individual ministry. The ceremony could be secular, spiritual or religious as you wish.

Funeral Ceremonies

I specialise in funeral ceremonies as I feel I have something to offer in this space. When people gather together to remember, mourn and celebrate the life of a loved-one, being able to have moments for personal reflection, to gather your thoughts, to be calm and still in certain moments, will enhance the meaning and value of the service to you and to those gathered around you at this time.

Next Step

Please email, call or text me and we can have an informal discussion at a convenient time for you. This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions that you wish to raise before making a decision.