Pet Memorials

When we lose a pet it can be distressing.

An animal who has been part of our everyday lives, who we have shared so much with, who is there first thing in the morning and last thing at night, giving their unconditional love, and who is now no longer with us.

Of course there is now a big gap..

In many cultures animals are sacred.

Cats were worshipped in Ancient Egypt and cows are sacred in Hinduism.

Christ is symbolised as the Lamb of God. Our association and relationship with the animal kingdom has a long history.

I love animals so much. It seems perfectly natural to me that we would want to mark the end of our journey with our animal friends with a service that allows us to grieve, to celebrate our life together and to say goodbye.

We say goodbye to our beloved pet animals at the vets and everything stops there. Except we have to walk out the door and carry on without them,